
Chakras are the subtle energy wheels which, are stated to be part of Kundalini energy, the subtle latent force or energy which is the Shakti of the Cosciousness. Chakras works for the proper circulation of subtle energy along with the Pranic force, for the proper flow & functioning of the energy in various organs in the regions. Chakras energy is stated to be present through the bunch of nerves attached with various chakras. Chakras are stated to empower or maintain the proper flow of subtle energy . They have impact over the Physical, Emotional Level and Wisdom Level. There are 7 major and 14 minor chakras alongwith various minor energy points and knots.
Major 7 Chakras are explained below:


Muladhara Chakra (1st Chakra):

It is Known as the Base Chakra, is located at Pelvic Plexus. Its main Tatwa is Earth. The shape of Tatwa is Square. Its main aspects are Food, Shelter & Survival. Its Predominant Sense is Smell. Its Main Planet is Mars.


Svadhisthana Chakra (2nd Chakra):

It’s the second Chakra located at Hypogastric plexus, having the Tattva as Water. The Shape of Tattva is Circle of Light blue. Its Beej Color is Gold. Its main aspect are Interrelationship and tendency to procreate. The predominant sense is Taste. Its planet is Mercury.


Manipura Chakra (3rd Chakra)

It’s the third Chakra located in Solar Plexus having Tattva as Fire. The shape of Tattva is Triangle of orange color.Its Beej Color is Gold . Its known as City of Gems as it contains vivid powers. The Sense organ is Eyes. Its main aspects is Vision, Form, Ego and strength.Its ruling planet is Sun.


Anahata Chakra (4th Chakra)

It’s the fourth Chakra located at Cardiac Plexus. Its main Tatva is Air. The shape of Tatva is Hexagon. The Tatva is Colorless, formless and Tasteless. The predominant sense is Touch. The beej Color is gold. The main aspects of this Chakra is forming balance between the lower and upper three chakras each side and Emotions.


Vishuddha Chakra (5th Chakra)

It’s the Fifth Chakralocated at Carotid Plexus. Its main Tatva is Aakash/Sound. The shape of Tatva is Crescent of smoky Purple color. The predominant sense is hearing. The main aspects of this chakra is knowledge and human plane.The ruling planet is Jupiter.


Ajna Chakra (6th Chakra)

It’s the sixth chakra located at Medula Plexus and Pineal Tatva Akas,Air, Fire, Water and Earth are presenet & Pure Essence consisiting of three Gunas including Manas, Bhuddhi, Ahankaraand Chitta. Mahatatva is mainly Budhhi Tatva cause of Manas, Budhhi,ahankara and chitta. The color of Tatva is transparent luminescent blue or camphor white. The Beej color is Gold.The ruling planet is Saturn.


Sahasrara Chakra (7th Chakra)

This Seventh Chakra, a thousand petaled, Shunaya Chakra, a dwelling place without support located at the top of the Cranium, cerebral plexus. Soma Chakra and Kameshvara chakra are included here. The aspet of this chakra is Pure Truth.The Beej petal sound of all pure sound. The ruling Planet is Ketu.

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