Colours are most significant aspect of our lives as they add life to vision, creativity, joy and happiness related in this world. Rainbow is often perceived as one of the most beautiful aspect of nature. VIBGYOR have colors based on heat and coolness based on the frequency of the different type of light. Colours have their own frequencies and these frequencies can beautifully heal us physically and emotionally. It heals, activates, energises and finally balances. It changes our mood and effects our mental processes as every colour has its own and different frequency. The usage of Colors affects in many ways.


Red symbolises love (red roses), sacrifice, courage, anger (blood), irritation, strength, courageous, exuberant, dynamic, creativity, irresistible, stimulating, dynamic, exuberant, dominant, hot, blood, fire, life, love, sacrifice, affection, courage, anger, health, protection against disease, danger, stop signal, excitement and sports’ activity.


Yellow symbolises jealousy (yellow streak), strength, joy, antithesis of white, distress, gloom, gaiety , light, beautiful, hue of light, luminosity, Sun, life, joy, and strength, jealousy, distrust, illness, disease, warm, brightening, cheerful, significant of light and warmth due to the association of these colours with the Sun or sunlight. In reality sunlight is not yellow but it gives this appearance in contrast to the blue of sky light. Many physicists claim midday sunlight is bluish white instead of yellow.


Green symbolizes calm, building, expression, life, peace, nature, spring, envy (green with envy), immaturity, restful, fertility, intelligence, communication, abundance, wealth, food, life cycle, movement, growth.


White symbolises lively, pure, joyful, truthful, purity, chastity, virginity, abundance, modesty, joy, untouched, uncontaminated, serenity, truth and innocence, cool colour as it reflects or transmits light rays.


Blue symbolises fidelity, truth, tranquillity, serenity, hope, melancholy, sobriety, sedateness, generosity and intelligence, therapeutic, great power, cool colour and sedate. Black: Black represents repression, suppression, gloom, woe, darkness evil, illness, silence, gloom, fear, mystic, heat, unknown and storage.


Violet symbolises innocence, penitence, seduction, seriousness, stern, hard, unyielding, regal, sacrifice, perservence, calm, victory, gravity, spiritual, mystery or secrecy, innocence and expansion.

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