
Numerology is the branch of the predictive study involving analysis through numbers, various nature has been defined for different numbers. Predominantly Birth Number (Total of Birth Date Only) & Destiny Numbers (Total of Complete Birth Date) are calculated, to further analyze in various different methods along with Name Number.
LoShu Grid chart method and Vedic Numerology are also used for getting better insight.
Number 1:

It signifies originality, activity, energy, brilliance, good luck, intellectual, masculine, dominant, ego, transparency, honesty, dynamism, courage, leadership, confidence, self-respect. The person born on 1,10,19,28 is governed by number 1. Its ruler is the Sun.

Number 2:

It signifies feminine, emotional, intuitive, artistic, creative, dynamic, sensitive, sensual, imaginative, pleasant, moody, loving, caring, etc. The person born on 2,11,20,29 is governed by no.2. Its ruler is the Moon.

Number 3:

It signifies love, affection confidence, dignity, prestige, honor, good luck, administrative, managerial, organized, proud, warm, and wistful, optimistic. The persons born on 3,12,21,30 of every month are governed by no.3. Its ruler is Jupiter.

Number 4:

It signifies hard work, intellectual, discipline, energy, force, intelligent, revolutionary, change, moody, thinker, philosophy, powerful overthinking, etc.. The person born on 4,13,22 & 31 are governed by no.4. Its ruler is Rahu / Uranus.

Number 5:

It signifies change, travel, intuition, diplomacy, shrewdness, speculative, intelligent, marketing, writers, brokers, traders, orators, speakers, marketing, etc. The person born on 5,14,23 of any month are governed by no.5. Its ruler is Mercury.

Number 6:

It signifies wealth love, sympathy, adoration, beauty, art, creativity, style, music, decoration, cooperation, care, harmony, rhythm, etc. The person born on 6,15,24 of every month is governed by no.6. Its ruler is Venus.

Number 7:

It signifies originality, uniqueness, alone, independence, solitariness, restlessness, doubtful, research, loneliness, aloofness, and mysticism, punctual, accountancy, liberal, freedom, etc. The person born on 7,16,25 is governed by no.7. Its ruler is Ketu/Neptune.

Number 8:

It signifies dutiful, constant, melancholia, hard work, labor, Criminality, philosophy, spiritual, destruction, sharpness, struggles, aloofness, harshness, money, banking, earning, time, destiny cycle, etc. The person born on 8,17,26 is governed by no.8. Its ruler is Saturn.

Number 9:

It signifies enthusiasm, social services, activity, courage, politics, group head, war, fight, arrogance, leadership, bravery, change, social cause, healing powers, empathy, etc.. The person born on 9,18,27 are governed by no.9. Its ruler is Mars.

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