
Gemstones are the natural produced stones consisting of minerals of various chemical compound, and are believed to propitiate certain planets and to give other good qualities to the wearer of the stone. The stone must be natural, clean, without any defects and should have clear color with luster.


It is the gem of the Sun. Sun is considered the king of all planets. Ruby too is considered the king of the navaratnas. Wearing of Ruby is believed to bestow Authority, dominanace, wealth, very good health, position, good career and education. Ruby is worn in Gold. Ruby is recommended for the persons having Birth Number 1.


Pearl is the natural gemstone found in sea or river naturally. Now a days it is also available as cultured stone. This stone is used for enhancing the goodness of Moon. A good Pearl gives a calmness, stability of mind, purity, ensure heirs, wealth, good-luck, harmony, good health and fame. Pearl can be used by persons having Birth Number 2.

Yellow Sapphire

The yellow sapphires are the gems of the Guru Jupiter. It is normally of the yellow golden color. The yellow sapphire exudes good results to all for the benefic and welfare of the native. It is an auspicious stone giving all sorts of benefits e.g. Health, relationship, marital alliance, wealth, position, authority and wisdom. It has to be worn in Gold. Yellow Saphire is recommended for persons having Birth Number 3.


The Hessonite is normally dark brown stone. It is used to propitiate Rahu. Hassonite aids in improvement of finance, health, power, wealth and gaining authority. It should be worn in alloy (Triloha) in the middle finger, which is the finger of Saturn, or in the ring finger. If it is worn like a yantra round the neck instead of a ring, then its efficacies grow up much faster. Hessonite is suitable for persons having Birth Number 4.


Emerald is the gemstone for Mercury planet. It is of Green Color. Wearing Emerald enhances intelligence, presence of mind, success in any educational, career, wealth, mathematical aptitude, commissioning, trading skills and good comminacation. It should be worn in an alloy/ bronze or gold. Emerald gemctone can be worn by the Birth Number 5.


Diamond is the hardest, brightest, transparent and highly precious stone on the earth. Diamond is used for the planet Venus. Diamond gives wearer, the capacity to attract, spruces up one’s physical look, gives attraction to the person who wears it, enhances love, physical attraction, wealth, health, personality, social status and wisdom. Diamond is the best suited for person having Birth Number 6.

Cat’s Eye

Cat’s Eye stone is the stone used for Ketu. It comes of various colors with a streak normally of white/silver color. This stone is usually used for clearing hindrances, obstacles or legal issues. It bestows higher position, authority and sudden richness. It is usually worn in silver. Cat’s Eye is recommended for persons having birth number 7.

Blue Sapphire

Blue sapphire is the stone for Saturn planet. Blue sapphire can cause sudden change in luck. Blue Sapphire can improve health, wealth, status, authority, dominance, legality and wisdom. It can provide immense wealth, fortune and good luck or can do vice versa. For wearing this gemstone, a person has to be extraordinarily careful. Blue Sapphire can be worn by the person having Birth Number 8.

Red Coral

Red Coral is the Gem Stone for planet Mars. Corals are normally found at the hollow of sea. It’s an Opaque stone. It is normally worn for the strength, health, energy, self confidence, discipline, dutifulness and stability. It can be worn in Gold and Silver. Red Coral is normally recommended to persons having Birth Number 9.
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