
Since ancient times humans have been predicting behavior and future of the person by analyzing shape, structure and various signs of the human face, hands, etc. Palmistry is the predictive practice based on the shape, structure, various lines, mounts, signs on the palm of the hand.

The basic main lines considered includes : –

  • LifeLine for knowing the quality, quantity health and other various aspects of Life. It runs from the side of thumb toward the wrist.
  • HeadLine for knowing about the mind, capabilities, and state of mind along with other issues. It runs from the side of thumb across the palm.
  • Heart Line for knowing about, heart, emotions, sensitivity, happiness, etc. It is usually below little finger to below index finger/first finger.
  • Fate Line is for knowing the various aspects of Fate. Along with it many other lines and mounts on the hand are considered. Mounts include for different planets i.e., Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, Sun, Venus, Mars, etc.
  • Samudrik Shastra is to analyze through various shapes, structure or signs of humans including the face, aura or whole person appearance reading. Whereas Palmistry focuses on Hands’ shape, structure, lines, mounts, and appearance.
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