Meditation involves controlling, channeling your mind, thoughts & emotions. For Foundation of Spiritual Practice or Meditation, Purification Concentration and Efforts are necessary. A person has to Calm his mind by avoiding, unpleasant Mind States consisting of Desire, Aversion, Pain, Fear, Negative Visions, Separation, Agitation, Doubt and Fatigue to achieve Pleasant Mind States including Ecstasy, Bliss, Love, Calmness, Tranquility, Peace, Divine Inspiration & Union with the Divine.

There are many methods of Meditation, but the Goal of all, remains the same.

It is believed that Kundalini a light, bliss, and pure energy lies in a dormant state within us. Kundala means a ring or the coil of a rope. Kundalini, the feminine aspect of your latent pure creative energy, is lying coiled at the bottom. As any person turns inward and starts to meditate on its true nature, this self-absorbed, slumbering, energy begins to rise and with each hurdle, it crosses, each Chakra it energizes, a person feels more powerful than before.

There are two types of hurdles in any sadhana- external and internal. External hurdles primarily refer to a lack of conducive environment, which includes natural calamities, an unsafe place, lack of social support, non-availability of proper food, and so forth. External challenges are of two types: adi-bhautik, hurdles that hinder your progress due to lack of resources, and adi-daivik, obstacles created by nature, such as storms, wild animals, and so on. External challenges are not hard to overcome, you can change your place where your needs are provided for and these challenges disappear.

Apart from Brahma Granthi, Vishnu Granthi & Rudra Granthi, There are Seven main Energy Centres, Chakras in the Body.


Sound is vibration energy traveling in various mediums. This whole universe is created through vibration in the energy field of Time and Space. Various vibration energy levels created energy particles vibrating at different frequencies, which in turn created matter and so on.

Our mind uses a large part of it for hearing and processing of sound. We remember sounds and along with, emotions attached to it. We interpret sound through Language. Some sounds are not represented as an alphabet in language e.g. Sound of running water, flowing air, various natural sounds, and others. But these all create various energy patterns in our mind which can change our feeling or mood. Sounds have the different frequencies waves i.e., Alpha, Beta, Theta, or Delta. These waves are also, the natural frequency of our mind at different states of mind i.e. Active, Sleeping, Meditating, or Deep Meditation. The various natural sound of different frequencies can be used to alter the mind stage and are helpful to take mind towards the meditation stage. They can also impact our subtle Meditation Chakra Energy. Sounds can be naturally produced or produced through bells, other instruments, reciting Beej Mantra, etc.

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